
There is no backing down America!

It's time to recall all the representatives and all the senators! We don't have to wait until 2026 to hold early congressional and senate elections! The decision is in the hands of the people. There is nothing to wait for, there is nowhere to retreat! Here is the opportunity to turn the entire Trump administration into a lame duck and to the brink of collapse! Recall all congressmen and senators before it is really too late!  

This is Shame! One Traitor the U.S. President!

  And Government too! Hungarian István Széchenyi used to say that every nation has the kind of government it deserves!  Does America or the United States deserve this?  A treasonous government?  Even a president and a minister of defense, who, by the way, is one of the promoters of White supremacy, would be sentenced to death for treason! America deserves better!

Traitor U.S. President who all you hate what American!

 but they don't believe it Unfortunately, some people don't believe that Trump is only harming America and betraying US values ​​like respect for human rights. He doesn't respect Democracy, he likes the Soviet-style model! He played the System his whole life, he knew who to buy and who to pay off! That's how he became insanely rich.

Every minute Krasnov spends in the White House is bad for America!

  This is not Great Again Comrade Krasnov should no longer be sitting in the White House, but in some prison, waiting for the electric chair! There is no forgiveness for treason!We need to go into that fucking White House and fuck the shit out of it!  Where are you Patriots? A cowardly people has no homeland! Every minute Krasnov spends in the White House is bad for America!

What will or would happen if the United States broke with Israel?

 This is Theoretic Question . Do we remember that Barack Obama did not want to help Israel militarily against Iran? This could have been part of a plan to one day distance himself from Israel and move closer to the Palestinians. Although he couldn't do this and perhaps didn't want to, Obama's distancing from Israel, but especially from Netanyahu, was interesting! Of course, Netanyahu didn't like that Obama wasn't doing what he wanted! But Trump's first victory in 2016 was a jackpot for Netanyahu! He did what Netanyahu wanted. Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, eliminated Iranian general Qassem Soleimani. It's time for the United States to distance itself from its old ally! As long as Trump is in power, there is little chance of that happening.

Traitors Leader in USA

 Russian and Chinese Agent in Shame House. The United States has been held hostage by billionaire criminals. The average citizen who is a proud patriot and not a Trump supporter must ask themselves this question! Stand up and go to D.C. to occupy the House of Shame or surrender! A proud patriot will not let traitors lead their country that was founded in 1776 with blood and sweat! Trump and Musk are traitors, go to the House of Shame (White House) and fuck them in the ass like Dictators! Trump, Elon and all the traitors must go!

Nikki Haley She has careerist With presidential ambitions!

  She want the First Female President be! Nikki Haley Ex UN Ambassador and to NC Ex Governor  presidency dreams therefore she outvoted Harris to become the country's first female president and advocated socialism. The republikcan party more always this is her gun anti communism! They don't know what socialism is, and they don't like democracy! Nikki Haley is Traitor !

Trumpistan not USA Orbanistan not Hungary

 A world of tyrants and jerks. What do Donald Trump and Viktor Orbán have in common? One Tyrant's laurels and the other is a tyrant!  Orbán has been dismantling Democracy for 15 years, Donald Trump is just now trying to do it with Musk. Although it is very difficult to completely transform the American system into an autocracy and although there are attempts like Project 25, it is very difficult! The USA is currently occupied by a small country called Trumpistan and is currently being held captive by it. Only the Sane American people can stop this. This is also true for Hungary!