
Showing posts from 2022

Can a Fascist be President of the United States?

  Nope , Nope or it can be! Keep an eye on Florida, because the country's future may be there if we don't pay attention. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis seems to be the future in the Republican Party. He is like Trump, but he wants to be more like the Hungarian Prime Minister! America will not become Hungary!

No more dumb Republican presidents!

  Before 2024. Democracy is the best thing in the world, but let's ask the question! Do we want a dumb or smart looking dumb president again? Nope! Reagan pretended to be smart, but in reality he wasn't, Bush Sr. wasn't famous for his wit either, but even his vice president surpassed him! Let's not even talk about the younger Bush and Trump, the former launched a military action together with Great Britain citing atomic and chemical weapons, and the latter is racist, sexist and many see him as the new Reagan. It was enough! We don't need any more stupid presidents or smart ones! Humanity is needed, and it is not on the side of the Republicans!

Obama's Revolution and Legacies

  What the Secret to Obama? 2008 was probably a turning point in the history of American politics. It was then that Senator Barack Obama was elected as the country's first black president. Barack Obama could even be called the Black Reagan, but his vice president, the current president Joe Biden, deserves much more the epithet, if not the black, but the democratic Reagan ! This is a new era, this is another America and Barack Obama was the symbol of this era! As a president, he was a champion of achievements that his predecessors did not. Biden is trying to defend his achievements, but let's get back to Obama! The Revolution must continue!

Biden is still a better president of America than Trumpler!

Even if they don't believe it! Biden sometimes misbehaves, but he doesn't insult the opponent like Trumpler did! Despite all his faults, Biden is more humane than Trumpler. Trump is a Trumpler because he could be America's Hitler. Biden doesn't like football Trumpler not so much. Biden pays attention to people Trumpler does not.

Ronald Reagan would be a Democrat today.

Just like his son. Reagan wouldn't be happy to see what the Republican Party has become! Reagan wouldn't be happy to see Republicans move away from Realities! Ronald Reagan would be a Democrat today and would oppose Republicans! Reagan would say it's not my party! Because this party betrayed everything I believe betrayed freedom which is the most important value ! Reagan would be a proud Democrat today, he would say that the defenders of freedom and constitutional values ​​are Democrats !

President! Wake up! America's prestige at stake!

Hey! President! Be sensible! Now you can get America to have a big influence in Europe! If you don't then China will do it and it would be painful for the free world. this must not be left to you, Mr President! Pay attention to Saudi Arabia too!

Trump is a great traitor than a patriot!

Make Russia Great Again! The man who calls a Russian dictator a genius cannot be a true patriot! A man cannot be a true patriot who thinks it is appropriate for a sovereign country to invade! A man who admits an international violation is not a patriot! And there is no better word for Trump than the traitor! Because Putin is his role model! Trump did not make America great but Russia!

How can Trump be permanently excluded from politics?

Killing is an option that can be ruled out. The 2022 election is about more than a mid-term election, the stakes are nothing more than Trump’s 2024 run for the White House. The Democrats really have to win in order to get Trump off the start! We need a two-thirds victory! This will get Trump out of politics once and for all!

Trump fought a fake war against China! She would even sell her Mother like Orban if she sniffed money!

It's okay to know that! Donald Trump is just a Narcissistic idiot who beats his chest until he sniffs out some nice money! He does business with China in the same way as his friend Viktor Orban does, only in the case of Trump, the press does not report it! Let's make America great again? Come on! Make Trump Great Again!

Let's scatter the planet and see all the polar bears die just for the goodness of some asshole senators!

John Manchin not  interest climate change. Manchin doesn't care that the polar bears might go extinct! One is interested in being re-elected Conservative Democratic Senator! Because stupid Republicans don’t believe in climate change! Manchin thinks he just doesn't care, that's the big deal! Poor Polar Bears.

Fight America 47th president!

 Kamala is the Future woman. Kamala is studying, Kamala is preparing to be America's first female president. Kamala good will be for President finally get a woman,  who Replace Joe Biden will be! Kamala is fit for the job but it's not time yet! She will be America's first female president this is not an issue. Let's give the woman a chance too! Let's fight for it!