
Showing posts from 2024

America, why are you afraid of socialism?

The world you cling to failed in 2008 2009!  The country that was able to elect a Black president during the 2008 crisis showed that it is not afraid of change! Socialism is not something that comes from the devil, at least not certain elements of it. A type of socialism that worked in Hungary, where workers vacationed in union resorts, workplaces cooperated with banks to help young people buy homes! The healthcare system, if not excellent, was much more humane! If the patient didn't have medicine at the hospital, they would go to the warehouse and get it! We should not be afraid of socialism, even if it is mostly bad!

Netanyahu does not trust Trump's victory and prefers to act before Kamala is elected!

Action here means defeating your enemies alone. Benjamin Netanyahu to he had no other choice how to sort things out in the middle east. The old ally the United States still last involves one involved in the Middle East Conflict after January 2025 he can't if Harris wins in November. Kamala Harris doesn't  like it  Netanyahu and this Netanyahu to feels. Netanyahu is like that for the American president would need who covers it if must and helping it if must, this person Donald Trump! Trump However unlikely how  he can win therefore everything puts it on a sheet and arranges it the Palestinian,   the iranian one and Hezbollah issues as well and he doesn't care what the world thinks about it!

Putin wants to make Russia great again with Trump against Kamala!

The fate of Ukraine and Europe will be at stake in November. Vladimir Putin wants to be able to create a new Russian Empire, and one way to do this is through another victory of Donald Trump. Will the people of America allow this so that the antithesis of Reagan will be restored to power? Kamala would be the best choice for America and the world! Because then Putin will not write the rules and then he will lose in Ukraine!  You are a true patriot if you vote against Trump and Putin and not for the convicted criminal who was organized by the KGB! Let's make America great again is nothing more than Rebuilding the Soviet world in Europe! It is your responsibility to prevent this from happening!

Whoever causes chaos once can do it again!

  Never again Chaos man! The possible re-election of Donald Trump would once again create chaos in America, and one type of chaos is the mindless conspiracy theories like QAnon, which began to flourish under Trump. This cannot happen again! What is at stake here is not only Project 2025, but also that similar sick theories never take off again! If America can think (and why can't it?) then it will not vote for the man of chaos!!

If Kamala were to win in Texas, it would be a milestone in the history of American elections.

 Nothing is impossible. Texas has seemed like an impregnable fortress for Democrats since 1976 now, however, there is a very good chance that the Democrats will win in Texas. Kamala Harris could become the second presidential candidate after Jimmy Carter to win in Texas. Kamala is becoming more and more popular among Texans and this popularity must be converted into a big win! Texas could even be a kingmaker or, if you like, a presidentmaker, if the Democrats and Harris win in Texas, that would be a milestone. What do Texans think of a female president? Would a woman be considered a good leader in the White House? The question must be answered by the Texans themselves!

Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán does not want Kamala Harris to win the election.

He is talking about not interfering with Hungarian internal affairs, but the reverse does not apply to him! Viktor Orbán does not like to be criticized from America, be it from the Democratic or Republican side, but Donald Trump and MAGA are a jackpot for him! On the other hand, Kamala Harris's victory would be a big failure for her, then she will probably be assigned the role of a mop, which she cannot bear. Whether or not this dictator's already large liver gets fat depends on the American voters. Vote for Kamala Harris so that Viktor Orbán doesn't have a good day!

America was red during Reagan's time, now it's blue!

  Blue America! As previously described in an article that could even be a prediction, Kamala will beat Trump a lot and America will be blue with the exception of two states, as opposed to Reagan in the 80s. There are no impossible things, it is possible to do what was only possible for Ronald Reagan, a landslide victory for Kamala! You have to believe in Blue America, you have to work for Blue America! You have to work to make Ohio Blue, to make Oklahoma Blue, to make Louisiana Blue! Let's shake the world, let's change the world!

Hey Donald! Did you also have a food shortage or have you already forgotten?

Good Donnie's memory failed. 2020 Not so long ago, during the Covid period in America, the shelves of food chains were empty and a certain Donald Trump was the president.It's interesting that when the good Donald was in the oval office, he didn't have a problem with the fact that the food supplies were running low just now!  The good Donald proved right then and there that he was unfit for the position he held at that time!Now the good Donald is applying for the immunity granted by the presidency, if he becomes president it will provide him with immunity from prison! So Donnie Stop talking about food shortages!

Netanyahu is afraid of Kamala.

If Kamala wins, it may not be good for Israel, especially not for Netanyahu! Benjamin Netanyahu didn't like the Obama administration's attitude towards Israel, but the presidency of Kamala Harris would be  with the opening of the earth! Harris does not have nearly as much sympathy for Israel as Biden, Jr. Bush or Clinton, but we can include Trump as well, and Netanyahu doesn't really like that. Kamala Harris is not there for Netanyahu and this is mutual, besides Israel, Harris is a supporter of the independent Palestinian state, which, besides Netanyahu, several Israeli political leaders do not even want to hear about! That is why Netanyahu hopes that the November election will turn out to be good for Israel.  

Kamala was born to win and she must conquer America like a Hurricane!

 Now in the positive sense of the word. Hurricane is not a positive word, but in a political sense it should be! America needs to change, and the change can be brought about by the election of Kamala as president! Women can also be good leaders, Germany has already proven this, it's time for America to do the same! Hurricanes usually cause damage, but there is a Hurricane in the USA that can bring hope for change, the women's revolution! Kamala will hit America like a Hurricane and push the country to the left!

Reason 5 Why Kamala will beat Trump in the election.

 Here are the 5 reasons Impeccable Popular She won the position she started for. Empathic  It has potential Kamala Harris the charm of novelty must try!

Kamala is a tougher nut to crack for Republicans than they think.

 It would be a chance for change and they know it well! The MAGA movement Republicans are going to run a hole with Harris! She knows every trick, every trick, she has dealt with all kinds of people! This woman is presidential material, she was born for this! He wants to be a leader, it's not just a man's job, even a woman can see that! Kamala will win, it's not a question when he started somewhere, whether the prosecutor or the senator won! He's a winner!

Kamala Harris is going to win big in November, the likes of which she hasn't won since Ronald Reagan's victory!

This will be Kamala Revolution.  The time has to come when a woman leads America, it might be now! Why not make a revolution now like during Reagan? Ronald Reagan and Kamala Harris have one thing in common: California. On the opposite side, but both are successful in their field in their own age. If Ronald Reagan was able to tame America in her time, now Kamala Harris is taming it too! If an actor could be president, why not a prosecutor? In November, let there be a blue storm named Kamala and destroy America! Even Ronald Reagan will click on this wherever he is.

Trump will be beaten by a strong woman this is woman Harris!

Surprising isn't it? America could really use a female president! It would show the world that a woman can lead a superpower with distinction. Kamala Harris is the right person to be America's first female president! This unfortunate orange-headed clown can't win a second time! America deserves a much better leader than Donald Trump, America will be really strong if it doesn't have a leader like Donald Trump! Kamala Harris is a really strong woman and can be a really strong leader if she gets the trust! Donald Trump, on the other hand, will only admit that he lost if the Democratic Party and Kamala copy Reagan's 1984 victory!

In 2026, the Soccer World Cup will be partly hosted by America, and it would be nice if the president was called Joe Biden during this period!

 He deserves it. After 1994, in 2026, one of the biggest celebrations of soccer, the World Cup, will return to the United States, one of the biggest fans of the sport is the current president Joe Biden. He was there in South Africa in 2010 as vice-president, and as president he followed the last World Cup in Qatar. Biden could get another term in November for this reason alone,because He likes the football the other guy is not so much just sickly flag kissing! Joe Biden may still be the best choice for the country even though he is 80+. Football is not a traditional American sport, but it is becoming more and more popular and the president likes it. What's the problem here?

Save America From Donald Trump!

 Say no to American dictatorship! Donald Trump poses a greater threat to America and the world than ever before! American voters now have a great responsibility, because now they decide not only about the next 4 years, but also about the next 40! Democracy or Dictatorship? The latter would only come with Trump's re-election. Let the American citizens save Freedom from Trump! Save the Free World!

Mike Johnson Russian agent a traitor!

That is why he is blocking the support of Ukraine! Perhaps few people know, but Louisiana Republican Representative Mike Johnson, the leader of the Congress, campaigned with Russian money! His campaign was financed by Putin's Russia, not to mention a supporter of Trump and the far-right MAGA movement. This man is a traitor, he does not represent America and American citizens, he serves Russia! This man is lying to his voters when he says he is a patriot! A patriot does not accept money from an authoritarian country like Russia! Johnson a Traitor a Russian Agent! In November, Louisianans must replace this man with a Democrat patriot!

Thanks Donald, but a Biden presidency yet always better than you!

 Sending a clear message! This hapless orange-head thinks he's going to save America! Horse shit! He brings endless hell! The only thing better than this is if Biden continues! At least the police didn't kill blacks under Biden, Biden did more for the economy than this orange-headed SVR agent! Even though he's an orange-headed businessman, he still doesn't understand economics! America would survive another Biden presidency, but it would fall into the return of Orangehead and, in the person of Orangehead, America would be Russia's puppet state! So thank you Donald, but another Biden presidency is better than you lying patriot!

Republicans fear being pushed out that they are completely pushed out of the federal government, The Democrats don't have it fear!

 Trump is a symbol of this fear and he is building on it . There was a time when the governor of California was the Republican Ronald Reagan, but there was also a former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, today in California the governor is the Democrat Gavin Newsom. Why did California become a Democratic stronghold? Some Republicans say it's because of immigrants!(In Texas, Bush's state is also afraid of this.) Immigrants? Immigrants made America great, the Republicans forgot that! The Republicans are simply afraid, afraid that the United States will no longer have a Republican president! The personification of this fear is Donald Trump, Trump's simple sonorities capture the Republican voter. Donald Trump is just a narcissistic self-satisfied boy who just wants to get away with being a politician and the new presidency, but that's another story! The Republicans right now they look more like a religious sect than a political party, but hopefully Nikki Haley's persona...

If Biden is re-elected in 2024, Putin will have a defeat.

 In Ukraine for sure! Like it or not, the fate of the world is in the hands of American voters! Even though Biden is old, a potential victory would hurt Russia the most, and the average American citizen should also feel this responsibility! Biden has his faults and broken promises, but in our changing world full of crises, he is the right person to lead America! Another Biden victory in November would be a message to Putin too! This is also the bet of the November voters!